Rare & Endangered Birds of Southern Africa: Classic Edition

13-digit ISBN No: 978-0-620-20367-8
10-digit ISBN No. 0-620-20367-6
Price: R229,00
Cause for concern. The Korck Publishing Wall Poster “Newman’s Rare & Endangered Birds of Southern Africa – (Classic Edition)”
This is not a comfortable subject. The 77 bird species on this poster (illustrated by Kenneth Newman) are magnificent. Can it really be that their futures as species are uncertain in Southern Africa?
Habitat loss is the enormous problem – the destruction of indigenous vegetation, forests or grasslands to make way for agriculture, commercial plantations or residential/industrial development invariable adversely affects certain sensitive bird, mammal and plant life.
Everyone living in Southern Africa has to make a contribution to preserving the natural environment and preventing destruction of habitats so vital to the existence of our precious indigenous fauna & flora.
In Southern Africa now, all three crane species – including South Africa’s national bird, the Blue Crane – are endangered, and are being bred in captivity to save the species from disappearing altogether.
Among the bird families represented on this poster are: bateleur, bittern, bustard, crane, eagle falcon, flufftail, flycatcher, hornbill, lark, owl, pipit, pitta, sandpiper, spinetail, sunbird, tern, vulture & warbler.
The terms “Rare,” “Vulnerable” and “Endangered” are defined as follows. A bird is considered “rare” if it has a small population of less than 200 breeding pairs and is at risk but not vulnerable.
The term “vulnerable” refers to bird species likely to move into the endangered category in the near future unless something is done to improve their chances of survival.
“Endangered” refers to a species in danger of extinction as its numbers have been reduced to a critical level or its habitat has been drastically diminished or degraded. This also includes species which may already be extinct (not having been seen since 1969) which is an irreversible situation eg. the Egyptian Vulture.
Whether you are a serious bird watcher or not, one thing is guaranteed …you will love this poster.
This poster will adorn any wall at home, in the waiting room, at the office or in school or university. It will make a perfect gift not just for bird enthusiasts but for nature lovers in general.
We find that many people buy our posters for their children’s bedrooms to encourage them to have a lifelong interest in nature and its wonderful creatures.
The wall poster measures 860 mm x 594 mm (33.9” x 23.4”). The poster is double laminated (ie laminated both sides) for ultimate protection, and will be shipped to you in a sturdy postal tube. Many of our customers throughout the world choose to frame or blockmount the poster such is the quality and impact of the poster itself.